Can Wearing Makeup Really Make You Feel More Confident?

There are two different types of woman. Those who just don’t feel the need to wear makeup and those who won’t step outside their front door without it. If you fall into the second of these groups, have you ever stopped to consider why you enjoy having a fully made up face? Women have been…

How to Be a Success at the School Ball

The school ball is the highlight of every school calendar. You probably spend months preparing for this very special evening and want it to go off without a hitch. There’s so much to think about during your preparations – your date, your dress, your makeup and more. If you’re in the midst of getting everything…

Special Occasions Require a Special Makeup Artist!

Here are some tips to help you look your best on your special occasion:- Naturally, your everyday makeup will be quite different from the makeup you wear on a special occasion. Louise is a Sydney based makeup artist can help make your wedding, evening function or any special event perfect.